package com.mindflakes.TeamRED.utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import com.mindflakes.TeamRED.menuClasses.FoodItem; import com.mindflakes.TeamRED.menuClasses.MealMenu; import com.mindflakes.TeamRED.menuClasses.Venue; public class MealMenuUtil { /** Prints each <code>MealMenu</code> in this Scraper to <code>System.out</code> in a clean format. * */ public static void printAll(ArrayList<MealMenu> menus){ for(MealMenu menu : menus){ System.out.println("Commons: " + menu.getCommonsName()); System.out.println("Start Time: " + DateTimeFormat.mediumDateTime().print(menu.getMealInterval().getStart())); System.out.println("End Time: " + DateTimeFormat.mediumDateTime().print(menu.getMealInterval().getEnd())); System.out.println("Mod Time: " + DateTimeFormat.mediumDateTime().print(menu.getModDate())); System.out.println("Meal Name: " + menu.getMealName()); System.out.println("Venues: "); for(Venue ven : menu.getVenues()){ System.out.println(" Venue Name: " + ven.getName()); System.out.println(" Food Items:"); for(FoodItem food : ven.getFoodItems()){ System.out.println(" " + food.getName()+" " + food.isVegan() +" "+ food.isVegetarian()); } } } } public static String mealMenuString(MealMenu menu) { String append = "*"; append += menu.getCommonsName() + "*\n"; for (Venue v : menu.getVenues()) { append += "\\" + v.getName() + "\n"; for (FoodItem f: v.getFoodItems()) { append += "*" + f.getName() + "\n"; } } return append; } public static String mealMenuSimpleHTML(MealMenu menu) { String append = "<div class=\"meal\">"; append += "<h2>" + menu.getCommonsName() + "</h2>\n"; append += "<h3>" + menu.getMealName() + "</h3>\n"; append += "<p>" + DateTimeFormat.mediumDateTime().withZone(DateTimeZone.forID("America/Los_Angeles")) .print(menu.getMealInterval().getStart()) + " to " + DateTimeFormat.shortTime().withZone(DateTimeZone.forID("America/Los_Angeles")) .print(menu.getMealInterval().getEnd()) + "</p>\n"; for (Venue v : menu.getVenues()) { append += "<h4>" + v.getName() + "</h4>\n"; append += "<ul>\n"; if(v.getFoodItems()!=null) for (FoodItem f: v.getFoodItems()) { if(f==null){ append += "<li>null</li>\n"; } append += "<li>" + f.getName() + "</li>\n"; } else{ append+=append += "<li>AllFoodItems are NULL!!! null</li>\n"; } append += "</ul>\n"; } append += "</div>"; return append; } public static String mealMenuSimpleRSSHTML(MealMenu menu) { String append = ""; for (Venue v : menu.getVenues()) { append += "<h4>" + v.getName() + "</h4>\n"; append += "<ul>\n"; for (FoodItem f: v.getFoodItems()) { append += "<li>" + f.getName() + "</li>\n"; } append += "</ul>\n"; } return append; } }